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Kicking Your Soda Habit for Good!

A glass with soda and ice in it

Soda is highly acidic, very addicting, contains excessive sugar and calories, and wreaks havoc on your dental health! However, many people still have a daily soda habit, sometimes even drinking multiple cans a day.

Soda can be a difficult habit to quit; vending machines, supermarket checkouts, and restaurants offer it everywhere we turn. Luckily, there’s a tried and true method for quitting this habit for good!

Kicking Your Soda Habit

According to the experts, there are 4 main steps in your journey to becoming soda-free! Those steps are below:

  1. Commit – The first step to quitting soda is making up your mind to do it! If you want to stop altogether or even if you’re just looking to cut back, you need to fully commit.
  2. Switch to diet – Gradually switch over to diet sodas. We also suggest trying to cut back on the amount you drink. If you drink 3 full-sugared sodas a day, cut down to 2 – one sugared and one diet. Continue this until you’re down to one diet a day.
  3. Switch to caffeine-free – Caffeine is the addictive ingredient in soda. Caffeinated beverages are very difficult to stop drinking! Once you’re down to one diet soda a day, start working in some caffeine-free diet sodas.
  4. Have alternatives on hand – Milk, juice, tea, or ice-cold water are all healthier alternatives to soda. Once you’ve kicked the soda habit completely, keep it that way by keeping your drink cooler stocked with healthier options!

Here at Coastal Periodontics, we know that quitting soda contributes to healthier teeth; and healthier teeth contribute to healthier gums! If you’re concerned about your gum health, please contact Coastal Periodontics here in Portsmouth, NH.

Posted on Apr 27, 2020
Image Credit:
File ID 15076047 | © Valentyn75 |



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